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Whiteline KCA412 - Camber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm

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Deze Camber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front Axle met Artikelnummer KCA412 is passend op de:

  • Merk: OPEL
  • Variant: 2005-2015 | A05
  • Moet worden gemonteerd op: Front
Suffering uneven tyre wear? Sounds like poor alignment. Whiteline camber bolts provide the largest adjustment range (of up to +/- 1.5deg) to get that alignment back in check. Unlike other 'friction' lock designs we use a positive toothed lock washer which means NO SLIP. Simple to adjust and lock time after time with out slipping.


Extra informatie
Important Note: Adds +/- 1.5deg camber Install Guide: Installation Instructions Kit Contents: 2 Bolts
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KCA412 inklappen

Kies Merk Kies Model Kies jaar en variant Kies plaats Wat zoekt u  
MAZDA22007-2014 | DEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
RENAULT191988-1996 | 19 B53, C53, D53, L53FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA1211987-1997 | 121 DA, DBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FIAT1281969-1984 | 3PFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
ALFA ROMEO1451994-2001 | 930FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
ALFA ROMEO1461994-2001 | 930BFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA3231981-1985 | BD FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA3231985-1989 | BF AWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA3231985-1989 | BF FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA3231989-1994 | BG FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA3231991-1994 | BG AWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
EUNOS5001992-1996 | CBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA6261979-1982 | CBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA6261983-1987 | GCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA6261987-1991 | GD SEDAN AND HATCHBACKFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA6261987-1997 | GV WAGONFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA6261991-1997 | GEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA6261997-2002 | GF, GW 2WSFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VOLVO8501992-1997 | LS, LWFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PORSCHE9241975-1989 | 924FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA9291982-1987 | HBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA9291987-1991 | HCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PORSCHE9441981-1991 | 944 COUPEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VOLVO9601990-1996 | 964, 965FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SAAB90001985-1998 | 9000 B202, B204, B234, B308FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SAAB454211999-2010 | 9-5 YS3EFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA121 METRO1996-2003 | DWFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSAN180SX1988-1997 | S13FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSAN200SX1988-1997 | S13FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHI3000 GT1989-2000 | Z11A, Z15A, Z16AFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
EUNOS30X1991-1995 | ECFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA323 ASTINA1989-1994 | BG FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA323 ASTINA1991-1994 | BG AWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA323 ASTINA1994-1998 | BAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA323 ASTINA1998-2004 | BJFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA323 P1994-1998 | BAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA323 PROTEGE1994-1998 | BAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDA323 PROTEGE1998-2004 | BJFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAIACCENT2000-2006 | LCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAIACCENT2006-2010 | MCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKIALTO1985-1993 | ECFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKIALTO1994-2002 | EFFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELAMPERA2011-2015 | EV150FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUAPPLAUSE1989-2000 | A101FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENASTRA1984-1987 | LB, LCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENASTRA1987-1989 | LDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HSVASTRA1988-1989 | SV1800 LDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELASTRA1991-1994 | FFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENASTRA1995-1998 | TRFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENASTRA1998-2006 | TSFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELASTRA2002-2004 | GFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENASTRA2005-2010 | AHFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELASTRA2007-2014 | HFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELASTRA2009-2020 | JFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENASTRA2014-2016 | PJFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELASTRA J2009-2020 | JFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANAVENIR1992-1997 | W10FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CHEVROLETAVEO / KALOS2005-2011 | T200, T250FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKIBALENO1995-2002 | EGFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENBARINA1985-1986 | MBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENBARINA1986-1989 | MLFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENBARINA1989-1994 | MF, MHFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENBARINA1994-2002 | SBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENBARINA2000-2007 | XCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENBARINA2005-2012 | TKFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PEUGEOTBIPPER2008-2017 | AAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PEUGEOTBIPPER TEPEE2008-2017 | AAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANBLUEBIRD1991-2002 | U13 AWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANBLUEBIRD1991-2002 | U13 FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
TOYOTACAMRY1982-1988 | V10, V11FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDCAPRI1989-1994 | SA, SC, SEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELCASCADA2013-2019 | W13FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENCASCADA2014-2017 | CJFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VAUXHALLCAVALIER1988-1995 | MK3 AWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VAUXHALLCAVALIER1988-1995 | MK3 FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUCHARADE1980-1983 | G10FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUCHARADE1983-1987 | G11FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUCHARADE1987-1993 | G100, G102FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUCHARADE1993-2000 | G200, G202, G203FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUCHARADE CENTRO1994-1999 | L501FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAEWOOCIELO1995-1997 | KLETNFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
RENAULTCLIO1998-2006 | BB, CBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHICOLT1978-1992 | RA - REFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENCOMBO1994-2002 | SBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENCOMBO2000-2007 | XCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHICORDIA1982-1989 | AA, AB, ACFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
TOYOTACOROLLA1983-1989 | E80FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWCORRADO1988-1995 | 53iFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWCORRADO1988-1995 | 53i VR6FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELCORSA1997-2000 | S93FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CHEVROLETCORSA2000-2002 | DFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELCORSA2000-2006 | X01FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELCORSA2006-2014 | S07FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDCORSAIR1989-1992 | UAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAICOUPE1996-2002 | RDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENCRUZE2002-2006 | YGFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENCRUZE2009-2011 | JGFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CHEVROLETCRUZE2009-2016 | J300, J305, J308FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENCRUZE2011-2016 | JHFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKICULTUS1989-2005 | SFFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDECOSPORT2013-2023 | BK, BLFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAIELANTRA2000-2006 | XDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAIELANTRA LAVITA2001-2004 | FCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CHEVROLETEPICA2005-2013 | KLFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENEPICA2007-2011 | EPFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDESCAPE2001-2013 | BA, ZA, ZB, ZC, ZDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAEWOOESPERO1995-1999 | KLEJFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDAEUNOS 30X1991-1995 | EUNOS 30X ECFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANEXA1983-1987 | N12FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANEXA1987-1991 | N13FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAIEXCEL1985-1989 | X1FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAIEXCEL1990-1994 | X2FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAIEXCEL1994-2000 | EXCEL X3FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDAFAMILIA1989-1994 | BG FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDAFAMILIA1991-1994 | BG AWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDFESTIVA1991-1994 | WAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDFESTIVA1994-2001 | WB, WD, WFFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDFIESTA2009-2012 | WS, WTFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDFIESTA2013-2017 | WZ STFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDFIESTA2013-2018 | WZFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FIATFIORINO2007-2021 | 225FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIFTO1994-2001 | DEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIGALANT1987-1992 | HG, HH FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIGALANT1988-1993 | HG, HH AWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HOLDENGEMINI1985-1986 | RBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAIGETZ2002-2011 | TBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWGOLF1974-1985 | MK1 TYP 17FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWGOLF1979-1993 | MK1 TYP 155 CONVERTIBLEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWGOLF1983-1992 | MK2 TYP 19EFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWGOLF1991-1999 | MK3 TYP 1HFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWGOLF1993-2002 | MK3, MK4 TYP 1E7 CONVERTIBLEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKIGRAND VITARA1988-2005 | SQ416, SQ420, SQ625FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKIGRAND VITARA (INC XL-7)1998-2005 | FT, HTFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FIATGRANDE PUNTO2005-2018 | 199FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIGTO1989-2000 | Z15, Z16AFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
ALFA ROMEOGTV1995-2005 | 916FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUHANDIVAN1986-1990 | L80VFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKIHATCH1980-1985 | SS40, SS80FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKIIGNIS2000-2005 | FH, MHFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PROTONIMPIAN - WAJA2001-2006 | CFFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWJETTA1984-1992 | MK2 TYP 19E, 1GFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PROTONJUMBUCK2002-2010 | C97FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUBARUJUSTY2003-2008 | G3XFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAEWOOKALOS2002-2004 | KLASFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAEWOOLACETTI2002-2011 | J200, KLANFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CHEVROLETLACETTI2005-2009 | J200FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHILANCER1988-1992 | CA, CBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHILANCER1992-1996 | CC GSRFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHILANCER1992-1996 | CC SEDAN AND COUPEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHILANCER1992-1996 | CC WAGON AND HATCHFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHILANCER1992-1996 | EVO 1, 2, 3FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHILANCER1995-2004 | CE SEDAN, COUPE AND HATCHFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHILANCER1996-2001 | EVO 4, 5, 6FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHILANCER1996-2003 | CE WAGONFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAEWOOLANOS1997-2003 | KLATFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAILANTRA1991-1992 | J1 1.6LFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAILANTRA1992-1995 | J1 1.8LFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAILANTRA1995-2000 | J2FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDLASER1981-1985 | KA, KBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDLASER1985-1990 | KC, KEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDLASER1990-1994 | KF, KHFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDLASER1994-1999 | KJ, KLFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDLASER1999-2002 | KN, KQFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAEWOOLEGANZA1997-2004 | KLAVFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKILIANA2001-2007 | RH FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FIATLINEA2007-2018 | 323FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PROTONM211995-2000 | C99FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA1985-1991 | TM, TN, TP SEDANFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA1987-1991 | TM, TN, TP WAGONFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA1991-1996 | TR, TS SEDANFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA1991-1996 | TR, TS WAGONFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA1996-1999 | TE, TF SEDANFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA1996-1999 | TE, TF WAGONFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA1999-2003 | TH, TJ SEDANFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA1999-2003 | TH, TJ WAGONFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA2003-2005 | TL, TW SEDANFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMAGNA2003-2005 | TL, TW WAGONFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANMARCH1982-1992 | K10FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAEWOOMATIZ1998-2004 | M100, M150, KLA4FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANMAXIMA1988-1995 | J30FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
RENAULTMEGANE1995-2003 | SERIES I LA, DA, EAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
KIAMENTOR1993-1997 | FAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
KIAMENTOR1997-2004 | FBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
KIAMENTOR / SHUMA1997-2004 | FBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
OPELMERIVA2004-2010 |X03FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDMETEOR1982-1985 | GA, GBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDMETEOR1985-1987 | GCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANMICRA1992-2003 | K11FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKIMIGHTY BOY1985-1988 | SS40TFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUMIRA1990-1995 | L200, L201FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMIRAGE1983-1992 | C10, A17FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMIRAGE1991-1995 | CCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHIMIRAGE1995-2004 | CE - CPFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
ALFA ROMEOMITO2008-2018 | 955FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDAMPV1993-1999 | LVFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDAMPV1999-2006 | LWFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
TOYOTAMR21984-1990 | W10FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDAMX-61987-1991 | GDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDAMX-61991-1997 | GEFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CITROENNEMO2007-2021 | AAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHINIMBUS1984-1991 | UA, UB, UCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHINIMBUS1992-1998 | UFFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHINIMBUS1998-2005 | UGFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAEWOONUBIRA1997-2003 | J100, J150FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CHEVROLETNUBIRA2005-2011 | 1ST GENFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANNX/NXR1991-1996 | B13FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CHEVROLETOPTRA2003-2008 | 1JFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
CHEVROLETORLANDO2011-2018 | J309FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWPASSAT1988-1997 | MK3 TYP 35iFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PROTONPERSONA1996-2004 | C96, C97FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWPOLO1994-2002 | Mk3 6N, 6VFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VWPOLO Van1994-2002 | Mk3 6N, 6VFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPRAIRIE1988-1998 | M11FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FORDPROBE1994-1998 | ST-SVFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR1978-1983 | N10FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR1982-1987 | N12FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR1982-1990 | B11FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR1986-1991 | N13FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR1990-1995 | N14 AWD (EXCL. GTi-R)FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR1990-1995 | N14 GTi-RFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR1990-1996 | N14 FWDFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR1995-2001 | N15FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANPULSAR2000-2006 | N16FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FIATPUNTO2005-2018 | 199FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
ABARTHPUNTO2007-2015 | 199FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FIATPUNTO EVO2005-2018 | 199FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
FIATQUBO2007-2021 | 225FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
KIARIO2000-2005 | BCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
KIARIO2005-2011 | JBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MAZDARX-71985-1991 | SERIES IV, V FCFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VOLVOS401995-2004 | VSFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
VOLVOS701996-2000 | LSFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAISANTA FE2000-2006 | SMFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
PROTONSATRIA1997-2006 | C9_MFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
RENAULTSCENIC1996-2003 | JA, FAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANSERENA1991-2001 | C23FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
KIASHUMA1997-2004 | FBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHISIGMA1991-1996 | TR, TS SEDANFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
MITSUBISHISIGMA1991-1996 | TR, TS WAGONFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANSILVIA1988-1997 | S13FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
DAIHATSUSIRION1998-2005 | M100, M101FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
HYUNDAISONATA1989-1998 | Y2, Y3FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
KIASPECTRA1997-2004 | FBFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
ALFA ROMEOSPIDER1995-2005 | 916FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANSUNNY1982-1990 | B11FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
NISSANSUNNY1986-1991 | B12FrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKISWIFT1984-1989 | SAFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKISWIFT1989-2005 | SFFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
SUZUKISWIFT2005-2011 | EZFrontCamber Adjusting Bolt - Kit 12mm, Front AxleKCA412
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