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Australia has a rich tradition in developing world-class offroad accessories. Saber Offroad was founded and created not to maintain those standards but to enhance them.

Our range is focused on delivering customers superior quality, value, usability and most importantly safety

All Saber Offroad products are designed and tested to the highest standards in Australia to give customers peace of mind that our products will perform when there needed most.

The kinetic recovery ropes for example have been in testing for over a year including NATA approved mechanical destruction testing and real world recoveries, to give our customers the confidence they are buying a product that we know exceeds the performance of others on the market today.


Already with distributors in Australia, South East Asia, Europe and Middle East, Saber Offroad has seen strong growth, with this growth it leads to further opportunities in Australia and beyond.

Saber Offroad

Here at Saber, we test all of our products to their limits and beyond. The vast majority of our gear is tested to destruction in a NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) Lab. We also take our gear into the real world to make sure it will work in the harshest conditions we can find.

You’ll see batch numbers and contact details on all our products and that’s your way of knowing we’ve tested them to destruction. More than that, our products meet all applicable standards and are always labelled accordingly. We want you to be as confident in our products as we are.

Putting our products through their paces in both the lab and out in the field is just one part of our safety story. Our designs mean we want to cut down weight and reduce risk to you. And that means, eliminating as much metal as possible from the recovery process. There have been way too many horror stories of broken bow shackles flying through the air after failing in a recovery situation and injuring (or much worse) drivers and/or bystanders. And that’s why we favour soft shackles and have pushed our engineers and field testers hard to develop the strongest soft shackles possible. Indeed, here at Saber Offroad, we stand behind the strength and safety of our products.

Our research and development team have worked hard to produce the world’s best recovery gear. Things like coatings on our ropes through to the metals we use in our accessories have been researched and selected because they’re the best solution for the job.

And, where it doesn’t exist or we don’t believe it’s up to scratch, we’ll research and develop our own, like our Saber Pro Fibre. This proprietary fibre has allowed us to make products that are the toughest on the market. And, because we’re stronger together, we work closely with the team at the Australian Automotive Innovation Centre (AIC) and our NATA testing labs to gives us access to first-rate testing machinery and engineering excellence to assist in the development of world-class products.

Our aim is to make sure our products are the strongest and longest lasting in the market. That’s why we spend so much time researching and testing materials or developing our own, like the Saber Pro Fiber. From the design of knots used on our soft shackles, through to bend radius on our recovery rings and more, we are constantly improving our products to make them the best in the world.

The reason we research, develop and test so much is because we know our gear needs to perform in the harshest recovery situations, that’s why we make sure our products work well beyond their rated capacities to give you peace of mind.

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